16 June 2010

Of soccer and friends (two equally important parts of Spain's national identity)

First, don't call it soccer in front of Europeans. For us, it's football. Fútbol. And Spain lost today. Luckily, I didn't watch the game on my own, I had three nice guys with me, Little L included. It would have been worse to watch all alone. You have to understand that in Spain fútbol is more a religion than a sport. Even if you don't like it, you will know a bit about it. It doesn't matter where you come from, whether you are Catalonian, Basque or Castilian, you have watched your fair share of games. And when the Spanish team plays, you root for them, unless you are an extremely radical nationalist. So I did today, holding my red scarf, and smoking at ten in the morning. It was too early to drink, a shame considering how I needed a drink. But it says in page number 37 of the mommy rules that you don't drink while watching your kid. At least not until lunchtime. That's the other thing about seeing the game from far away, the time frame, even if you watch the game live, it's very different. Fútbol goes well with beer and olives, not pound cake and coffee. But I watched, feeling even more Spanish from the other side of the Atlantic. And I suffered. And I got upset. But we still have two games to go. And hopefully more friends with whom we can watch them.
Which takes me to my second topic of the day. Friendship is extremely important to your average Spaniard. Again, it doesn't matter which region we come from, we are gregarious people. Maybe the bond is deeper in the north, but all over we move in groups. We even mate in groups. There is nothing like American dating in Spain. There, you go out with your friends, and if you meet a guy you like, you will see him at the end of the night. If you really really like him, you'll have coffee or watch a movie the day after. And if you are lucky, it may eventually evolve into a relationship.
Today I had the chance to spend time with a friend I hadn't really talked to in a while. And boy, did I miss it. Some of the best moments of my life were enjoyed with friends. I ended up bonding with my husband thanks to one of them. And when my newborn was sent to the NICU, it was my friends who were there for me. Not to talk about the many long classes they made more enjoyable, the wild nights out, and all the cries of youth. I've lived with and through my friends. And today more than ever, I miss every single one of them. Most live abroad, and three of them are leaving Chicago this year. Which saddens me. Hopefully, I'll meet some new ones, I'm not the quiet type. But today, while I look to the east into the sky over the lake, I'm reminded of how much I would like to be able to pick up the phone and call someone seven hours ahead of me. It's this time of the day, too late for Chicago, too early for Europe, when I feel the loneliest. So from here, I make a toast for them. Os echo de menos.

06 June 2010

Three months

It´s the time that went by. I had a life for those three months, and I will tell about it in my next post, since my visit to Spain deserves one for itself. But now I want to talk about today. It´s one of those sunny/rainy days in chicago´s summer. I like them, you can do so many things with them... like iron, go to Target, run some errands, blog, read, walk for a little bit, organize closets, enjoy silence while son naps and hubby is in storage locker. To warm to cook, but so many other things are waiting to be done.
I feel productive these days. I keep myself as busy as I can. I decided to spend his last summer before starting school with my little L who, at three years of age, is no so little anymore. I am so tired at night that I go to sleep around eleven. My plans for the summer? Park, pool, read, beach, picnic, concert, beer, paella, white wine, friends, guests, pizza al fresco, play, read some more, maybe even write and blog.
What did I do with the three months of the title? Spent half of them in Spain, got myself a job for the Fall semester, learned that my son had been accepted at a school we really like, reconnected with friends in both sides of the Atlantic, hosted one of them for a month, spent a day at the Spa (Friday, which explains my relaxed mood), lost ten pounds, had a haircut, sunbathed, swam, saw a couple of castles, made my parents happy for some weeks, had some weeks of happiness myself, saw how my son potty trained himself...
I could keep going, but this is starting to be boring already. I promise a post about our Spanish trip with pictures included. And another one about traveling with kids. But for now, you know i am alive. And kicking ;)
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