19 November 2008

Ditching classes/ De pira

I can't believe ditching a class can feel this bad. After all, I was terrible in High School, and spend a good amount of my college time in the cafeteria (Spanish cafeteria, aka coffee house). I guess that by Grad School responsibility had finally kicked in... And has stayed until today. For the first time I skipped my baby's swimming class. And although I keep telling to myself that he was very tired and would have had a miserable time, I still have the feeling that he is missing something. Which makes me think that I missed many, many things when I was younger. But then again, playing Trivial Pursuit for hours in a coffee shop called "La Ronda", where my friend and I used to meet fellow "delinquents", probably gave me the social skills I would never had gotten in the school. And it was way more fun. Until one day the owner of the place asked me if I needed help, thinking that maybe I didn't have a home to return to. At that point we decided that it couldn't continue that way, we had to change. So we started visiting different coffee shops.
Returning to the present, the Kid left today. It was supposed to be yesterday, but her flight got canceled and we got to keep her for one more night, enough to get an amazing tuna recipe. But we are already missing. I guess that the "I'm alone" feeling won't kick in until tomorrow. Today I'm too tired to feel anything. Curiously enough, I'm a little bit sad because I got yesterday my Mom's birthday present. Chasing it around Chicago Post Offices three weeks after my birthday had become a yearly tradition. We, humans, operate in rather weird ways. But "Dirty Sexy Money" will pick up my spirits tonight. I love the show, perfect for "tiempos de crisis". Enough for today.

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